Below are 16 areas that a business should focus on to achieve profitable sales growth:
Farmers vs. Hunters
Senior management says their sales team should seek new business. In most cases, Farmers (the sales team) are not good Hunters. They don’t like the dreaded research and cold calls. Management doesn’t want to spend money on hiring business development experts, which is why growth is slow.
We are the Hunters. Let us help you identify your needs, address your challenges, and develop your growth plan.
Distribution Networks
Every company needs to have a strong sales team and distribution network. Whether it consists of internal salespeople, distributors, reps, or any combination—successful growth starts here. We have experience in domestic, export, and international distributor organizations to help you set up your sales network. Contact us for more information.
More Than 25 Years of Experience
With our aluminum can, plastic container, closure, and lab equipment experience, we know how to help you grow your business domestically and internationally. Here are some of the countries and regions in which we have worked: